Saturday, October 13, 2007

If you have been following my Funny Stories, you will know by now how much I adore my Maclaren stroller! Although, you wouldn't know by the way I treat it! Just a few weeks ago I was in a hurry to take Kylie to her Dr. appt and when I backed out of the garage I heard a crunch...I jumped out to get what I thought would be Michael's scooter, as I have run over that damn thing at least 3 times! Unfortunately I found Kylie's infant car seat stuck under the back bumper and tire of my car! That is when it hit me - I had left the car seat AND MY MACLAREN in Jim's side of the garage earlier that day, and Jim's car was now in his side of the garage...meaning, he had moved my stuff, and apparently he had moved it behind my car!!! Well, the car seat I could get over, I was done using that anyway, but where the hell was my Maclaren? I searched all around Jim's car figuring he had either moved it, or *gasp* ran over it! It was no where to be found. I searched in the laundry room, no stroller. I looked in my back seat, my trunk, upstairs, outside, NO STROLLER!!! I ran in and yelled up desperately to Jim demanding he come help find my stroller. Still no luck! Finally it hit me, if the car seat was under my car, the stroller may be there as well. I bent over, holding my breath, hoping and praying I would not find my worst nightmare...and then it happened. My Maclaren was STUCK and SQUASHED under my car!!!! Not only did I run it over, I kept driving long enough to get it completely stuck under the MIDDLE of my car!!! I had to pull all the way back into the garage to free it, which meant scraping it along the garage floor all over again! Luckily it came loose and remained in one piece, but it will never be shiny and new again! On a more positive note, if you are looking for a durable stroller, Maclaren is the one!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

When I was little my mom took us kids to Sea World. We were walking around on a beautiful sunny day when all of a sudden my older sister, Sarah, yelled "Watch out!!!!", while looking up at the sky. I of course looked up and SPLAT!!! I big clump of seagull poop landed on my face! I think it even started dripping towards my mouth!

I started freaking out, obviously, and my mom had to run me to the bathroom to wash it off. I was so embarassed that it happened that I made my mom make my sisters PROMISE not to tell anyone that it happened. The next day my little sister, Emily, who was in Kindergarten at the time, came home from school and told us that she had show and tell that day at school. My mom said to her, "But we didn't give you anything to bring for show and tell", Emily respsonded, "That's okay, I shared about how a bird pooped on Rachel's head!" I started crying hysterically!

The reason I share this story is because today on our walk we got to the coffee shop and I looked down at Kylie to talk and play with her, and couldn't believe my eyes, that poor little girl had bird poop on her head!!! (Luckily she was double protected with a hat, and the hood on from her jacket!) I wanted to freak out, it was so gross, but I guess that is jut one of the many disgusting things I will have to deal with as a Mommy! Now I knew what my poor Mom had to go through! I started cracking up and told her, Like Mommy, Like Daughter...then immediately pulled out the camera!

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March 19, 2007:
I had been DYING for the Maclaren Quest umbrella stroller for weeks before I finally broke down and got one. For those of you that don't know what this is, it is the same stroller that Brangelina uses for their little ones, and is WAY too expensive for what it is.
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Jim calls it "The Mercedes of Strollers"! I researched and price compared and searched and searched for the perfect one before I finally bought it! The stroller arrived last Tuesday, but remained in my living room for almost a week as I was too scared to use it! I didn't want it to get dirty, hurt, ruined, tarnished, so it just sat in my house on the carpet (didn't want to scratch the wheels)!
I finally broke it out on Saturday, and it was AMAZING! I was stopped by three people telling me how badly they wanted that stroller; Kylie was Queen of the world in her brand new, beautiful stroller! I took the Maclaren out for its second spin today on our walk to the coffee shop and park, the whole time telling Kylie how great it was to push, how cute she looked in it, how cool we were.
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It wasn't until we arrived back home when I picked Kylie up out of our brand new, meticulously clean, stroller that I saw it - SHE HAD A POOP EXPLOSION, right through onto our amazing stroller!!! I almost cried! I screamed! I couldn't believe it! Of course, Kylie was still happy as can be, still thought she was Queen of the world, still looked cute, and couldn't care less that she crapped all over my trendy-mom dream!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Last night Kylie wasn't feeling so hot, she had a temperature of 100.6, so Mommy gave her Tylenol and sent her straight to bed. She was up and down all night, crying and fussing. Finally at 5:00 am after nursing, Daddy tried to rock Kylie to sleep. Seconds later, Mommy heard a large vomit-sounding noise coming from the nursery, then saw Daddy running around like CRAZY cursing and vigorously wiping down! Kylie had PUKED all over him (and he wasn't wearing a shirt!) Score one for Kylie! :)